Ozone Therapy is administered using a Medical Ozone Generator, and a cylinder with pure oxygen. The flow is regulated by a paediatric flow regulator that can be adjusted down to 1/8 lpm. Additional accessories are also used such as syringes, IV extension sets, normal saline etc.
What is Ozone Therapy?
In short, Ozone Therapy can be thought of as a safe and easy way of flooding your body with a highly charged form of Oxygen. Our body requires oxygen for many different body processes including metabolism, immune system function, healing and maintenance of tissues etc. There are 2 ways to flood your body with oxygen. One is using a Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber, and the other way is with Ozone Therapy. Ozone is a very broad-spectrum antimicrobial… it kills almost all bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa etc (which is why it is often used to purify water for drinking). This makes it either the therapy of choice or an ideal adjunct therapy for a wide range of illnesses.
Ozone is a tri-atomic oxygen molecule (O3). It is a highly charged & reactive particle. Naturally occurring ozone in the air is toxic as it reacts with other components of the air. This is NOT the type of ozone we refer to when talking about Ozone Therapy.
Ozone Therapy utilises Medical Ozone, where a cylinder of 100% pure oxygen is connected to a medical ozone generator. The oxygen (O2) passes through the generator, where a small percentage of it is converted to Ozone (O3). This is then collected and used in different ways depending on the condition that is being treated.
Ozone Therapy has been used in human medicine ever since the mid 20th century, and it has proven to be an extremely safe and effective treatment for a wide range of conditions. There are thousands of doctors worldwide (as well as India) that use Ozone Therapy in their practice. Veterinary Ozone Therapy is administered to animals in the same ways as in humans, with only the dosage that varies.
Which horses would benefit from Ozone Therapy, and what Equine Diseases / Conditions does it treat?
First of all, a horse does not need to be sick or suffering from any condition in order to benefit from ozone therapy. Sport horses are subjected to rigorous training regimens, often causing damage to tissues and joints at a greater rate than the body is capable of regeneration. Since Ozone Therapy stimulates the immune system, helps the body eliminate toxins such as lactic acid, and provides the body with a generous amount of oxygen to help with healing and regeneration, it can be used on healthy horses to help them stay that way. Hence, Stud Farms, Training yards, or any facility with horses on the premises would find an ozone generator as one of their most useful tools.
Since Ozone is such a broad spectrum antimicrobial, the list of diseases where Ozone Therapy would be useful is too long to list here. Some common equine conditions where ozone would be of greatly beneficial are:
Arthritis (Degenerative Joint Disease)
Joint Infections
Postpartum infections (broodmares)
Respiratory conditions (COPD)
Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage (Bleeding)
Fungal issues of the hoof or the skin.
Numerous bacterial and viral infections, including MRSA and other antibiotic resistant infections.
General soreness and recovery from injury
How is Veterinary Ozone Therapy administered?
Ozone Therapy can be administered in several different ways or a combination of these. It would depend on the illness or condition that is being treated.
Direct IV Injection
Major Autohemotherapy
Minor Autohemotherapy
Subcutaneous Injection
Rectal Insufflation
Vaginal Insufflation
Intra Articular (joint)
Bagging (for wound disinfection or healing)
Ozonated Saline (IV Normal Saline, Saline irrigation for wounds or during surgery)
Ozonated Water
Ozonated Olive Oil (for topical treatment of fungal infections on the skin)
Aural (ear) Insufflation (through a modified stethoscope)
What kind of Ozone Generator should I purchase to practice Ozone Therapy
Although Ozone Therapy is very safe, one should be very careful that they are using the correct equipment. There are numerous ozone generators on the market that are really meant for other purposes such as air purification, swimming pool disinfection etc. These generators are NOT medical ozone generators, and are not calibrated for use in Ozone Therapy. Also, medical ozone generators that use ultra-violet light to generate ozone are not very efficient and should be avoided. The ideal Ozone Generator should be portable and easy to operate, while still producing accurate concentrations of ozone. Also, several other accessories are necessary for Ozone Therapy procedures.
If you are interested in purchasing Ozone Therapy equipment, contact us at equigensolutions@gmail.com.